Insights into Rosacea Management

A common inflammatory disease, Acne Rosacea particularly affects the chin, forehead, cheeks and nose. The disease is followed by a number of symptoms; however, the symptoms may be too mild to get noticed in the initial stages. About 1 in every 10 people around the world is affected by this disease which generally affects people falling in the age group of 25 to 35 years. 


What is Acne Rosacea? Acne Rosacea is a chronic, incurable skin condition which is sometimes confused with acne. This disorder affects the central part of the face and is more common with fair-skinned people. Studies have triggered speculation that lifestyle of a person may pose as a risk factor along with the skin color. 


Symptoms of Acne Rosacea There are a number of sign and symptoms associated with Acne Rosacea, but they vary from patient to patient. Some of the most commonly seen symptoms include: o Frequent Flushing This is a sign of pre-rosacea and can last for as long as five minutes. During this time, the patient can experience unpleasant hot flushing episodes. o Persistent Redness In certain cases, flushing episodes are followed by bouts of facial redness. This redness may not go away and occur because of dilation of hundreds of blood vessels near the facial skin. 

  • Hyper-reactivity If you have a sensitive skin, you may experience skin hyper-reactivity or other skin stimulation. Do not misinterpret this symptom as this may sign towards Acne Rosacea. 
  • Telangiectasia When tiny blood vessels become visible on the face, it signs toward Telangiectasia. In certain situations, the vessels can become visible on the face. 
  • Inflammatory rosacea Pustules, small spots, and papules on the face sign toward inflammatory rosacea. This symptom is generally misdiagnosed as teenager acne and is not taken seriously by the patient. 
  • Eye symptoms Eye symptoms are often seen in less number of patients. The symptoms include dryness in the eyes, burning or itchy sensation and sensitivity to light. 

Acne Rosacea Causes Doctors are still not able to find the true cause of rosacea, however, a number of factors that causes this disorder are known: 

  • Sun damage o Subnormal immune reactions 
  • Leaky tiny blood vessels
  • Genetics (family history) 
  • Light skin color o Demodex folliculorum 
  • Triggers 

How to Diagnose Rosacea? No clinical test can help diagnose acne rosacea, but the general practitioner can look up to the sign and symptoms to diagnose this disorder. The presence of rashes on the ear and scalp may indicate a different disease as the signs of this disease is generally found on the face. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment may help treat the disease at the earliest. 


Common Treatments Rosacea cannot be treated permanently and there is nothing a person can do to prevent this disorder. However, with the help of right treatment, the symptoms can be eased. Your doctor may adjust the treatment over time according to your response to the medicines. 


One of the best ways to treat acne rosacea is to avoid direct sunlight. You may also be prescribed an antibiotic to control the inflammation. All the treatment offered by the doctor has certain things in common: 

  • It helps the patient avail maximum benefit 
  • They are safe and thus avoid side effect of strong medicines 
  • These medications should be discontinued if pregnancy occurs 

Important Consideration When suffering from this condition, it is important to use prescribed face wash. You need to avoid harsh rubbing and avoid creams and lotions that may aggravate acne rosacea. While suffering from this condition, you should avoid: 

  • Strong sunlight 
  • Hot weather 
  • Emotional stress 
  • Spicy food 
  • Cold weather 
  • Hot beverages 
  • Exercise and exertion 
  • Alcoholic beverages 
  • Chocolates and avocados